I had high hopes for "We Live In Time" when I first saw the star-studded cast attached to it, but I walked out feeling a bit let down.
The idea of a non-linear timeline is super intriguing, but the execution? Not so much. It felt like a clunky shuffle through a random reel of moments rather than a carefully woven narrative. I was expecting a strong core message that would bring everything together—justifying the non-linear narrative—but instead, it felt like jumping around in time with no real anchor. It was also challenging to invest in the couple over a decade when the passage of time felt so minimal, and also difficult to fully engage with the characters' psyches in the moment, and let the experience sink in.
While the timeline left me a bit confused, I have to give credit where credit's due—the performances were absolutely top-notch.
The chemistry between the actors was palpable, and you could feel the love and pain, joy and sorrow, longing and grief in each scene. It’s a real shame that the disjointed timeline made it tough to invest in their emotional journeys.
I can’t help but wonder: Would the film have hit harder if it had been told in a straightforward linear fashion? Either way, I enjoyed the story and the performances, even if the structure didn’t quite work for me.