@amerpie But the upcoming release from Sofa has smart list with custom properties!

@amerpie I personally use Sofa app for something like this. Now I'm wondering whether I should try Listy app you recommended.🤔

@humdrum @esamecar Agenda does this quite well.

@manton I must be frank, but I feel compelled to weigh in on this. Outsourcing the writing experience to third parties doesn't seem like a wise idea. While third-party apps may provide a better experience, how many users would bother with seeking them out and customizing them? If the platform …

@jrmat @pratik Thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it. After thinking it over, I've decided to use my Ning's Notebook blog for book, movie, and TV reviews. I think they all tie in well together, once I figure out the category structure. Still not sure if I should change the …