I love this movie. The story is so powerful, for its message and its narrative.

I believe it's best to enter this movie without any prior knowledge. Allow the characters and the narrative to guide you, enabling you to experience their confusion and pain more vividly.

You just need to know that this is one of the great movies based on real event.

"I'm Still Here" can be interpreted in two ways: as a plea, begging someone to notice you, and simultaneously, as a declaration, taking a stance and holding your ground.

In this narrative, the story embodies both interpretations, making it, in my opinion, a perfect movie title.

It’s a powerful portrayal of lives after the forced disappearance of a family member.

They all know what caused it; they just couldn’t do anything about it. The question is when each of them will accept the situation.

Eunice, however, refuses to simply accept and forget about the injustice; she wants a written confirmation of their unjust suffering. Even though what happened cannot be changed, the feelings surrounding it can. And she is resolute in her mission to make the world recognize the injustice towards her husband. Her goal is not just to clear his name but to seek closure, and potentially bring some justice.

I love how the film painted the picture of how one happy family suddenly got their joy taken away, and then haven't quite fully recovered from that since.

The sound and music score also helped build up the silent pain that lingers throughout the story, while heightening the unspoken truth that has been hanging in the air around this family.

The forced disappearance of a family member may be abrupt, but its aftermath always leaves a void that can never be fully filled and often feels like an endless cycle of grief. This is especially true when there is no real closure to the incident, as it can feel like eternal torture from the uncertainty and the ongoing question of when one should let go.

It is such a painful story that reveals the depth of their sorrow, highlighting how society has turned a blind eye to the real crimes and injustices committed by the government itself.

I really appreciate how the film portrayed the story over a long span of time, allowing us to understand the emotional suffering that affected each character at different stages of their lives.

I also admire how each one of them struggles and fights in their own way to process their trauma. We all process trauma differently, and we each experience the phases of grief at our own pace.

Not all is lost, as it turns out. Despite the never-ending heartbreaks they have endured, they still have each other. Their love gives them the strength to keep living. There is still so much hope, joy, and positivity throughout their lives. 

Life is not just happiness or despair; it is the combination of both that makes life meaningful. This movie illustrates how one can find beauty even in the darkest times.

At the end of the day, they are still here, despite everything that has happened to them. People come to notice them, even celebrating both their victories and struggles. They stand their ground firmly and continue to live earnestly, doing their best regardless of their past experiences.