@manton I must be frank, but I feel compelled to weigh in on this. Outsourcing the writing experience to third parties doesn't seem like a wise idea. While third-party apps may provide a better experience, how many users would bother with seeking them out and customizing them?

If the platform doesn't prioritize the customer experience, why would customers care enough to invest in using it? Let's face it—from a user experience standpoint, your writing editor is bad. It resembles coding more than actual writing. This issue extends to every aspect of the blogging experience on micro.blog. If I can't establish a connection with my own blog, then what's the point of utilizing this platform for blogging in the first place?

Your app is better, but it appears to focus more on social media elements rather than blogging, which requires a different mindset going into it.

So please prioritize the user experience, over anything else, at least for now. People blog because of their passions, not platform's features.