I have been training my mom for over 6 months using three different workout routines: Strength, Power, and Mobility and Coordination. However, I have noticed that she has trouble remembering how to perform the exercises. This is because she only trains two days a week, so I have to rotate through all three routines. Initially, I wanted her to experience a variety of exercises, but now I feel that I have enough information to understand her strengths and weaknesses.

For this quarter, I have decided to combine them into 2 routines.

Each routine will include the training for Strength, Power, and Mobility and Coordination, providing a full-body workout. I am emphasizing bilateral exercises due to the significant differences in strength and mobility between each side of her body. Additionally, I am including more shoulder mobility exercises.

Routine A will focus more on Push Skills and Strength, with some Pull Mobility and Coordination exercises mixed in.

Routine B will focus more on Pull Skills and Strength, with some Push Mobility and Coordination exercises mixed in.

Apart from that, these routines are pretty straightforward. These are the ideal routines for each session, although I may need to make some adjustments based on time or available equipment on the fly.

Routine A--Push Day

Wrist and Body Roll (Bodyweight Jefferson Curl)

2x20 Push Ups

2x20 Inverted Row

1x20 Dumbbell Pullover

1x12 Reverse Plank


2x20 Bulgarian Split Squats

1x20 Bar Bicep Curl

1x20 Alternating Crab Pose

2x20 Single Leg Deadlifts

1x20 Bar Tricep Extension 

1x20 Wall Ball 

Hip Lift and Swing

2x20 Step Ups

1x20 Alternating Shoulder Press

1x20 Shoulder Raises 

Side Kicks

Cuban Press

6 Ways Lunges

L-sit tucked

Leg Raises 

Hallow Hold


Side Plank

Lying rotator cuffs 

Plank Hold

Superman WYTA

Routine B--Pull Day

Wrist and Body Roll (Bodyweight Jefferson Curl)

2x20 Incline Wide Push Ups

2x20 Gorilla Rows

1x20 Scapula Pull Ups

1x12 Alternating Bear (Crawl in place)


2x20 Cossack Squat

1x20 Hammer Curl

1x20 Ball Slam

2x20 Trap Bar Deadlifts

1x20 Cable Tricep Pushdowns 

1x20 Load Beasts 

Hip Lift and Swing

2x20 Lat Pull Down

1x20 Cable Face Pull

1x20 Cable Rear Delt

Side Kicks

2x20 Lateral Step Ups

1x20 ATG Squats 

1x20 Halo

L-sit tucked

Leg Raises 

Hallow Hold


Side Plank

Lying rotator cuffs 

Plank Holld

Superman WYTA

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