“Is it expensive because it’s special, or is it special because it’s expensive?”

This movie certainly drew inspiration from popular films, which I don’t mind as long as it’s well-executed and not blatantly copying the sources. Fortunately, this movie avoids that pitfall in my eyes.

Apart from the rushed last act, I think they successfully created the atmosphere and vibe they intended. The last act felt rushed in every aspect, from character development to storyline, editing, and tension-building through sound and cinematography. I believe this film would greatly benefit from tightening up the second act and using the extra time to elaborate on the final act instead.

Despite these flaws, I still enjoyed the movie. It’s definitely one of the better Thai films out there. I appreciate how they tackle Thai politics and social issues from a fresh perspective, through the outsider’s perspective of a cook manipulating the narrative from the sidelines to infiltrate the upper classes. The cast was also absolutely fantastic throughout.